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Saturday, February 4, 2012

New Teachers, 2012-2013

Dear Colleagues,

Just a short note to welcome all of our new hires to the Blog we set up three years ago to answer many of the questions that new teachers have about their new adventure in Italy. I suggest that you have a look at the questions that have been asked in the past and the answers, then shoot! I have always found that the more questions are answered before you come, the better. Clarifying some of the mysteries and ambiguities provides some level of comfort and security. However, one of the cardinal characteristics of the PYP is being a "risk taker" and you all qualify. I am confident that you will find your two or more years at BES an eye-opener in terms of professional development and as I always say, "All those stereotypes and platitudes about Italy being the most beautiful country in the world are ......... true!" Welcome on board and welcome to our team at BES!


Tuesday, July 6, 2010



I was wondering, how much money should we bring with us...approximately. Do we need enough to cover us for the month before we get paid at the end of the month? Also, is there a way to set up our italian accounts with our canadian accounts? or do we just send cheques home?


Monday, June 21, 2010

Medical Coverage

Hi Day,

A question I probably should have asked back in January...

Our contracts state that we will be reimbursed for Blue Cross or similar insurance for the first six/nine months (maximum 5oo euro). What happens after this? When we renew our insurance after this initial time period will we be responsible for paying costs on our own?

Thank you!

Hope all is well with everyone,


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hello everyone,

I had a quick question about shipping excess baggage. On our contract it says the school will allow up to €450 for extra baggage. I'm just curious, as I've never shipped excess baggage, how much this involves? Also, do we bring all our luggage that we want shipped with us to the airport, or is some of it shipped in advance of our arrival? I hope everyone is doing well!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

New Teachers!

Greetings to the newest addition to our team for next year, Maria McCabe! Maria will be teaching in one of the upper grades in the Primary School. She hails from New York and has been teaching at the Int. School of Amsterdam for the last two years. Before that she worked with me at the American School of Milan. Maria is excited that she will be a teaching fellow at Project Zero at Harvard this summer. Go, Maria!

On Friday we offered a contract to a new Italian teacher who will replace one of our faculty members who will be taking a maternity leave. Marco Bruno has three years experience in Italian Primary Schools near his home town of Novara, between Milan and Turin. Marco speaks fluent English and has also been an English teacher. He is completing his degree in Elementary Education and is working on a thesis about constructivism. Welcome, Marco!

Mary Marjerrison will be our new PYP Coordinator for Years 1-5 as well as Curriculum and Language Coordinator for Years 1-8. Mary is currently PYP Coordinator and Deputy Head of School at the Bilingual School of Monza. She brings to BES more than 25 years of experience in education, as a classroom teacher, teacher trainer, and school administrator. Mary is a faculty member at Harvard University's Project Zero Summer Institute.

Nathaniel Katz will join our Middle School as a teacher of Art and Computers. Nathaniel is currently working at the Bilingual School of Monza in the same subject areas. Nathaniel is a professional artist and has put on numerous art shows.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blue Cross Emergency Medical

Hi Day,

I called Blue Cross and told them I would be travelling to Europe for an indeterminate amount of time at the end of August. They quoted me at $444.00 for 212 days of coverage. Does this amount sound about right to you?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Program and Schedules

Questions and Answers from Antonella and Liz (2009)

1. What are the important dates of the school year?

We do not have the official calendar for next year yet. We will construct it in the next few weeks. We now know that the first day of school for students will be September 13. (updated by Day, 2010)

2. Do we have our own classrooms, or do we share with our Italian counterparts?

You will share it with an Italian teacher but when you teach, you have the room to yourself. As far as wall displays and furniture arrangement goes, the teams here talk and compromise about who gets what wall, how desks are arranged, etc. The staff room is where most of the teachers stay when they are not teaching to do work or some work at home or in another free space in the school.

3. What schools do BES students compete against in sports?

As of right now we do not compete with any schools but our PE teacher is working to start a soccer club. (In the last year we have had two informal tournaments with other international schools in Milan competing first in soccer and then in basketball. Day, 2010)

4. Does BES have any community outreach programs or service learning opportunities?

Our biggest outreach program is a school in Kenya. The owners of BES have a huge project in Kenya where most of the school's energy is dedicated. As far as community programs, some have started and stopped over the years. Ideas or suggestions are always welcome!

5. May we have the password to access the news/events section of the BES website?

I will email you the password. (We have put you on the distribution list for all Parent Newsletters. Day, 2010)

6. What does the work day schedule look like in Milan?

I have attached a schedule. In addition to what is on the schedule, you will have lunch/recess duties and 2 times a week, two 45 minute sessions with another class for small group support. You will also have 1 hour when you go into your class during Italian time to co-teach. You also plan one day after school from about 4:15 to 5:30 and once a month on Wednesday are our staff meetings.